Welcome to the Montgomery Chinese Baptist Church (MCBC) English ministry! We started on March 1st, 2020 as an extended English congregation of MCBC and serving the increasing needs of the dynamic ethnic English-speaking members. We are a Bible-centered church whose goals are to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the local and unreached people groups, so that they may have eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. If you live in the Washington, D.C. metro area and are looking for a home church, we welcome you! If you are here on vacation, business, visiting families and friends, we also welcome you to join us in worshipping God on Sundays. If you are a seeker and are looking for biblical joy, peace, love, and the purpose of living, we would be happy to share with you how the love of Jesus Christ transforms our lives!
English Sunday Worship Live
Please join us at 10 am every Sunday to worship on-site or through our YouTube channel Live. Services will be trimmed down to just sermon content after each Wednesday. Please click the picture below or the link here to view it.

English Worship – Sunday 10:00 am – 11:15 am Nursery room for parents with infants under the age of 3 |
Cantonese Worship – Sunday 10:00 am – 11:15 am Nursery room for parents with infants under the age of 3 |
Children Worship & Sunday School – Sunday 10:00 am – 11:15 am Classes for Preschool to 5th grade |
English Sunday School – Sunday 11:30 am – 12:15 pm Topical and Book by Book study series |
English Fellowship – Every 4th Saturday at 5:30 pm Youth, college, young adult, and family groups |