- PayPal Giving Fund 讓你可以用信用卡或銀行帳戶奉獻。你或者MCBC都無需繳納手續費。
- 你必須擁有個人PayPal帳戶才能捐款。
- 捐款只能撥入經常費奉獻。
- 用於報稅的收據將立即通過PayPal Giving Fund的電郵發送給你。請保留PayPal的捐款確認電子郵件用於報稅用途 。本會不會另外發出收據。
MCBC Online Offering
- PayPal Giving Fund allows you to make an offering using a credit card or bank account. No fees will be charged to the donors or MCBC.
- You must have a personal PayPal account to donate through this platform.
- Donations can only be made to the MCBC’s General Fund.
- Your donation receipt comes immediately via email from PayPal Giving Fund. Please be sure to retain the confirmation email as your contribution record for tax purposes. No additional receipt will be issued by MCBC.